Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Berry Good Week

I've been keeping really busy lately. I've been doing a lot of pages that I will be posting soon. In addition I finally bought a canning pot and attempted my first ever canning venture. I made Strawberry-Almond Chutney which was super yummy. I got the recipe from this book. We had it with some awesome Indian Curry with coriander rice. Then I went blueberry picking on Saturday. It was so much fun! It was so peaceful and serene. I would advise anyone who has not gone berry picking to do it at least once. Check out this site to find a berry farm near you! So as you can imagine I have been baking blueberry pancakes & muffins for the last few days non-stop! I love this time of year!

1 comment:

Newly and Forever, Tamantha said...

If you want to send any of that chutney my way....feel free....