So... I have still been keeping busy and doing lots of stuff but I have unfortunately been neglecting my blog for way too long. I had every intention of starting up again in January once the crazy busy holiday season was over, but alas it is mid February and I am just now posting for 2010. Well I think it is safe to say my season of cyber hibernation is over.

I have started doing school for Lyla in the mornings. She seemed to be getting bored with just random coloring and play-dough time. I wasn't sure where to start so I checked out some preschool curriculum books from the Library and WOW have they been helpful in planning out good activities. If you are looking to do the same I would recommend these books, I may end up buying a couple of them once my borrowing time has expired.

Here is a little post valentines math activity we did this morning. Graphing a random handful of sweethearts. It was a great exploration of colors, numbers, counting and learning about most and least. If you want this chart you can download it here.

of course we ate a few too! :)
This looks so cute! I guess it will be in theaters in April. I look forward to seeing it before baby girl number 2 arrives and crying because oddly enough I have become one of those woman who cries when she sees a baby.
YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!
glad you are blogging again! LOVE the sweethearts math!!!
i just peed my pants a little in excitement that you are back on here! LOVE the math activity!
Awww thanks guys!
this is a great activity.
and i, too, can't wait to see this movie!
i fear it will not make it to theatres in our neck of the woods, though.
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