Today marks seven years since Aaron and I committed our lives to each other. Marriage has truly been one of the most amazing things that has happened in my life. Not that it hasn't had it's trying times but when I sit and think over the past 7 years I can truly say it has been an adventure beyond my wildest dreams and I am more in love with Aaron today then I was on the day I said I would spend the rest of my life with him.
So to my love - I have truly loved the past 7 years being your wife, best friend and mother to your children and I still look forward to growing old with you!
- Pokey
Aaron did a photo journey for our anniversary last year so I wanted to do one this year. Here is our story (the short version) in picture form. I'm also including my favorite songs that remind me of us.

On our DTS outreach in Laos

Vietnam at Angkor Wat

Saying goodbye at the airport before we came back on staff with YWAM

Our crazy hair stage



Our honeymoon to the Florida Key

Kunming, China

Adventuring in China

You and me plus baby Lyla makes 3

Our trip to Savannah this year

Our family of 4